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dc.contributor.authorWilcken, B.
dc.description.abstractThere is increasing emphasis on the importance of practising evidence-based medicine. Randomized controlled trials are the standard way to assess the bene¢ts of an intervention, and observational studies are not usually accorded much weight; the results are likely to be considered misleading. For rare diseases, there are great dif¢culties in obtaining adequate evidence for interventions or for the bene¢ts of early diagnosis. This is because the disorders are not only very rare but also have variable expression, may have very long courses, and have incompletely known late effects; and surrogate end-points often have to be used. Randomized controlled trials are usually impossible because of inadequate power, and because there are preconceived notions of the effects of treatments already in use. The adoption of the best possible design for observational trials, formation of a central registry of such trials, and a greater general appreciation of the problems that rare diseases pose will help in obtaining the best possible evidence for the effects of interventions.es_ES
dc.publisher.EditorUniversidad de Belgrano - Documentos CEEGMD - Centro para el estudio de enfermedades genéticas, metabólicas y discapacidades. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas
dc.relation.ispartofseriesJ. Inherit. Metab. Dis. 24;(year 2001) 291^298
dc.subjectRare diseaseses_ES
dc.subjectClinical trialses_ES
dc.subjectEvaluación de las intervencioneses_ES
dc.subjectIntervention evaluationes_ES
dc.subjectEnsayos clínicoses_ES
dc.subjectEnfermedades rarases_ES
dc.titleRare diseases and the assessment of intervention: What sorts of clinical trials can we use?es_ES

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